Why Are Apollo Dirt Bikes So Cheap?

Why are Apollo Dirt bikes so cheap

Dirt bikes made by Apollo are truly cheap. You can get one for as low as $500. What’s the catch, you may wonder? What makes Apollo dirt bikes so cheap in comparison with other mainstream dirt bike brands?

I’ll show you the reasons right away!

Why Are Apollo Dirt Bikes So Cheap?

There are at least three reasons why dirt bikes made by Zhejiang Apollo Sports Technology CO., LTD.  are quite budget-friendly.

1. Cheaper Cost of Manufacturing Materials in China

Bike parts are manufactured cheaper in China than in most places on earth. Especially because the Chineses government places a high value on exports, there are deliberate efforts to keep production costs at the barest minimum.

Apollo takes adavantage of this low cost of production to maunfacture budget dirt bikes at scale and ship worldwide.

2. Labor Cost is Cheaper in China

A large population, over 2 billion, makes for a large labor force. There’s a downside to such massive work force- you can’t pay high wages.

Indeed, the minimum wage per hour in China can be as low as 1.66 USD. If you’re fortunate to live in Beijing, the pay per hour comes up to 3.9 USD.

Compare that to the United States. The federal minimum in the U.S stands at $7.25 per hour. That’s still double the highest minimum wage per hour in China.

I trust that simple analysis clarifies why labor costs are low in China. This in turn makes for lowe produtcion costs in factories.

Apollo is a direct beneficiary of such a fine enviroment, at least for manufacturers.

3. Apollo’s Target Market

In a competitve industry like Bike maundacturing, you can’t win all. Better you choose your battle! That’s what Apollo has done.

They are not targeting the high-end bike market. They are intereted in capturing the low to middle class of bike riders. And so far, they are gaining big time.

By focusing on a market segment, and not going all in, the Chinese company can continue to keep prices low while maintaining a decent bottomline.

Final Thoughts

Apollo dirt bikes are so cheap because of the reasons discussed so far- low labor cost in China, cheaper manufacturing materials and a properly selected target market.

But hey, do not for a moment think that cheap means substandard! At least not with Apollo dirt bikes. They solid and high in performance. Maybe not as much as you’d find in Yamaha or Suzuki, but their dirt bikes get you going!

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